董事会会议 Policy 112.00
Johnson County Community College

交叉引用: Special 董事会会议 Operating Procedure 112.01

适用性: 本政策适用于哪个app可以赌足球(“赌钱app可以微信提现”或“学院”)董事会(“董事会”)。.

目的: The purpose of this Policy is to set out the frequency and purpose of Board meetings.


I. 组织会议

The 组织会议 of the Board will be the regular meeting in December of each year.
组织会议的目的是根据董事会政策的规定和董事会批准的其他事项,选举管理人员、任命委员会成员和联络人. New officers and committee members will begin their duties upon the second Monday in January, 与K一致.S.A. 71-1412.

II. 定期会议

The 校董会 shall meet at least once each month at regularly scheduled meetings. 董事会可在任何定期会议或特别会议上就董事会议程中所列的任何项目或董事会在会议期间以多数票加入议程的任何项目采取正式行动. 经董事会多数同意,可更改例会日期和时间. Board members may attend regular or special meetings via telephone, videoconference or other available technology for attending remotely, 并应在合理可能的范围内,在董事会会议前作出安排. Members appearing remotely should be reasonably visible to the public (i.e., with camera on) to the greatest extent possible. 在没有紧急情况的情况下,受托人应亲自出席所有定期召开的理事会会议. Recording of any meeting is disruptive, duplicative of professional taping and a potential contradiction to Code of Conduct tenets. 尽可能地, regular meetings will be live-streamed online for public viewing, and available for viewing after the meeting. A public comment period shall be offered each regular meeting.

3. 特殊的会议

为使学院有效运作,校董会可于必要时安排特别会议. 董事会特别会议可由董事会主席或董事会多数成员召集. 董事会保留了决定如何由董事会多数召开特别会议的程序(见董事会特别会议操作程序)。. Notice of special meetings shall be provided as required by College policy and state law.

IV. Study Sessions, Workshops, and Retreats

董事会可以与学院员工举行非正式会议,以熟悉学院运作的各个方面. 然而, no official Board action may be taken on College business, except at regular or special meetings designated for such purpose. Any time a quorum of the Board is expected to be present, the meetings will be handled in compliance with the Kansas Open Meetings Act (K.S.A. 75-4317等.).

V. 议程

学院院长, in consultation with the Chair of the Board, will prepare the agenda for all regular and special meetings of the Board. 将规定在一段合理的时间内,由与大学业务有关的感兴趣的公民以民事方式进行公开论坛交流. 主席应有责任和权力确保公开论坛期间以民事方式进行, 尊重, 和富有成效的态度. Unless by majority consent of all members present, Board action will take place only on items on the agenda. 希望将项目列入议程的成员应在会议召开前至少五(5)个日历日通知主席. 主席和学院院长将决定是否或何时将该项目列入议程. 另外, an item may be added to the agenda at a meeting upon consent of a majority of the Board. 每次定期董事会会议的议程和相关的董事会资料包将在会议开始前至少四(4)个工作日送达每位董事会成员, and subsequent additions to the agenda will be communicated as soon as reasonably possible. 如果时间允许,特别会议的议程和相关的董事会资料包将在董事会会议期间或之前提供给董事会成员.

VI. 会议通知

日期通知, 董事会任何定期或特别会议的时间和地点将按法律规定提供.

7. 法定人数

在董事会正式会议上处理事务的法定人数应由多数合格的在职董事会成员组成. A majority vote of the quorum will constitute Board action.

8. 会议过程

A. 秘书或指定人员将记录发起和支持每项动议的受托人的姓名. The disposition of each motion including the vote of each member will be recorded.
B. The Board may expect split votes on controversial issues. 在这种情况下,预期所有执行局成员都将积极支持执行局的所有正式行动.
C. The absence of a Board member from any official meeting will be recorded in the minutes.
D. 理事会可参考《赌钱app可以微信提现》,以获取关于议会程序的指导.


IX. 行政会议

A. Conduct of executive sessions shall be in accordance with the Kansas Open Meetings Act. Upon formal motion made, seconded and carried, the Board may recess to an executive session. 任何关于执行会议休会的动议应包括:关于结束会议理由的声明, the subjects to be discussed during the executive session, the individuals invited to attend, the time and place at which the open meeting shall resume, and such other items as required by State law. 这样的运动, including the required statement, 应记录在会议记录中,并作为董事会永久记录的一部分予以保存. 执行会议期间的讨论应限于动议中所述的主题. 任何行政会议的目的都是为了保持机密,为了保护机密, 执行会议不得录音或以其他方式记录,也不得向未经授权参加执行会议的任何人披露所提交的项目. In-person attendance is the expectation. 只有在验证出勤是安全的情况下,才允许通过电话或其他可用技术出勤.e., 未获授权参加执行会议的任何人员均不得审阅或窃听音频或视频),并由主席在合理提前通知的情况下预先批准. 主席可临时决定某一特定的执行会议是否足够敏感,不允许远程参与.
B. 在任何执行会议上可讨论的唯一主题是《赌钱app可以微信提现》中列举的主题, 一般包括:
1. The following matters relating to individual nonelected personnel: hiring, termination of employment and other forms of discipline, performance evaluations and complaints and grievances against such personnel;
2. 向学院律师咨询,这将被视为律师-客户关系中的特权;
3. Matters relating to employer-employee negotiations, whether or not in consultation with the representative or representatives of the College;
4. Matters relating to actions adversely or favorably affecting a person as a student, 但是,如果当事人提出要求,任何此类学生有权举行公开听证会;
5. Preliminary discussions relating to the acquisition of real property; and
6. Matters relating to the security of the College or its buildings, 设施, 或者信息系统, 如果在公开会议上讨论这些问题会危及学院的安全, 或者这样的建筑, 设施 或者信息系统.
7. 堪萨斯州法律允许的所有其他主题或活动都是执行会议的主题.
C. No binding action shall be taken during executive sessions.


X. Authority of Members of the 校董会

The Board members have authority for official Board action only during official meetings. 除非在正式会议上获得董事会过半数成员的授权,否则董事会成员不得有权或声称有权以董事会的名义行事.

修正:03/23/1992, 08/04/1992, 04/15/1993, 05/26/1993, 06/16/1994, 07/20/1995, 07/13/2000, 09/17/2009, 01/18/2018, 11/18/2021, 11/17/2022, 01/03/2024